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If you ever knocked over a drink on your smartphone, your first reaction was, without a doubt, panic. You have invested a lot of money in your cell phone and the last thing you want to see happen is that it gets damaged. Your wet phone can certainly be repaired unless it is on the bottom of a lake. This type of accident cannot be prevented, but there are tips with which you can bring your phone back to life. Keep reading and find out!

How to repair a wet phone in a few steps

The most important thing is to get your phone out of the water as quickly as possible. If your phone only has a few drops, you can easily dry it off with your sleeve or towel. If your phone is completely soaked, remove it immediately. You can still save him!

Rule number one: do not switch on your telephone. Why? Because there is a chance that there will be a short circuit. Impatience only leads to a permanently broken telephone.

If you are good at phone repair online, you can try to remove all loose parts from the phone and let them dry on a towel. Having a towel absorb all the superfluous water is probably the best thing you can do in the short term. If you're not that handy, we recommend sending your phone in for repair.

Another tip - never use a hair dryer to dry your phone. The heat can cause some parts to melt. What you can try is a vacuum cleaner, but not too close, otherwise these parts can pull apart.

You've probably heard this before and many of your friends think it's a joke, but this can really save your phone. Put each individual part of your phone in a bowl of rice, making sure that they are completely covered. It depends on how long your phone has been exposed to water, but normally it takes between 24 and 48 hours for the moisture to get out of your phone. Do not rush this process, it is better to leave the parts in it a little longer so that the moisture comes out well.

There are of course other ways how your phone can get damaged. A wet phone is not your biggest concern, because it is more likely that it will fall out of your hands and get a big crack on the screen. The best solution is to ensure that this does not happen. Personalized phone cases are the easiest way to protect your phone against permanent damage and will therefore save you a lot of money in the future!

If you follow these steps and with a bit of luck, you will bring your phone back to life! Let us know if we have forgotten an important tip!

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